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Ella's Story

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

Ella is 16 years old and suffers from CRPS which stands for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. This debilitating condition has turned her life upside down as she lives with chronic pain in both legs and sometimes both arms which can affect her mobility hugely. Due to this condition Ella has been off mainstream school for nearly 2 years which has proven isolating for Ella and her family.

Ella's mum tells us that "being able to be involved in creative projects has helped Ella engage expressively with a medium that helps her get away from her physical and mental health difficulties. She has grown in confidence and is developing a sense of self-worth which is very vital in her life. Thank you to everyone supporting her".

We first met Ella when she came to one of our Saturday Art Clubs. Ella’s mum reconnected with us when looking for some fun creative activities to give Ella focus and enjoyment. In October we came up with a real life brief that would give Ella a creative project to get stuck into. This involved coming up with a selection of Christmas card designs for Spaeda. Ella has done a truly fabulous job and created a card that our creative director described as "heart-warming". We really appreciate the time and attention to detail that Ella has put into this project and we are delighted to hear that she has enjoyed the experience and the opportunity to do something creative.

We’d like to continue to help Ella and others like her. Please support us by making a donation.

The creative arts is not just a hobby, it’s a state of mind, a means of maintaining or developing well-being and a medium through which we can express ourselves. Ella has really shown great creative talent and a means to ease the pain, mentally and physically. We are very humbled to have her work on this project with us and are thrilled with what she has created for us. We hope she feels very proud of what she’s achieved!  

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