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Kilve Beach KS1-3

Experience the Quantocks:

These short films are made by artists who have filmed on the Quantock Hills and from their studios. They offer a virtual experience of the Quantocks as seen from an artist’s perspective. You can use these alongside the downloadable PDF's below to plan creative activities that can be carried out at school or on site.


Each download includes simple techniques and equipment lists accessible to all. 

All the ideas suggested here can be used to support well-being; develop art and design and design and technology skills. With planning they provide valuable approaches to enrich learning across the curriculum.

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A virtual tour of Kilve Beach with practical activities inspired by film and photography of the geology. Promotes discussion about deep time and how the land was formed. Activities can be carried out in the classroom or adapted for home learning. Includes an introduction to using paints, colour mixing and collage. Please observe tide times and weather warnings very carefully if visiting Kilve Beach. 

Activity sheet 1 - Rockface Collage

Create a rock face collage inspired by the geology of Kilve Beach with links to geography, numeracy, literacy, art and design.


Tasks encourage observational and numeracy skills with an extension for creative writing and suggestions of further artists to research. 

Activity sheet 2 - Pebbles, Poets and Painters

Develop collage inspired by the pebbles and poets of Kilve with links to geography, maths, english, art and design.


Tasks encourage colour matching, fine motor and observational skills with an extension for creative writing. 

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