Fyne Court KS1-3
Experience the Quantocks:
These short films are made by artists who have filmed on the Quantock Hills and from their studios. They offer a virtual experience of the Quantocks as seen from an artist’s perspective. You can use these alongside the downloadable PDF's below to plan creative activities that can be carried out at school or on site.
Each download includes simple techniques and equipment lists accessible to all.
All the ideas suggested here can be used to support well-being; develop art and design and design and technology skills. With planning they provide valuable approaches to enrich learning across the curriculum.
A trip to the pond at Fyne Court reveals many mini beasts and beauties! The art activities in the video can be used for pond dipping but will work well for other contexts, like exploring a woodland through the seasons. You don’t have to pond dip before being inspired!
Pond dipping should be done in spring and summer (Easter through Sept) to avoid disturbing animals that spend winter safely buried in the mud. Group visits, such as from schools, to Fyne Court must be booked in advance with the National Trust. If you’re simply going to Fyne Court as a family booking isn’t required but you’ll need to take your own pond dipping nets and bowl. Check for opening times and access before setting out.
Activity sheet 1 - Pond Dipping and Printmaking
This resource includes a suite of creative Art and Design outcomes inspired by the insect life found there. With quick 3D makes using natural found materials, accessible drawing activities and basic printing techniques activities can be used to enrich science, english and maths at Key Stage 1 and 2.