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Doniford Beach KS1-3

Experience the Quantocks:

These short films are made by artists who have filmed on the Quantock Hills and from their studios. They offer a virtual experience of the Quantocks as seen from an artist’s perspective. You can use these alongside the downloadable PDF's below to plan creative activities that can be carried out at school or on site.


Each download includes simple techniques and equipment lists accessible to all. 

All the ideas suggested here can be used to support well-being; develop art and design and design and technology skills. With planning they provide valuable approaches to enrich learning across the curriculum.

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Experience Doniford Beach with artist, Sue Green, as she walks you through drawing activities exploring Somerset’s coastal landscapes. This resource will help you plan and encourage adventurous approaches to drawing and writing in all weathers. Learn how to make and use scroll sketchbooks and mark making tools; use sensory experience to feel the coastal environment and translate it to drawing; extend the learning back in the classroom. Activities can be adapted for whole classes or 1:1 home learning environments. Please check tide times carefully before you venture to Somerset’s coast.

Activity sheet 1 - Coastal Creations

Using textures and rock formations found at beach locations as a starting point, create seascape studies using rubbings and handmade drawing tools.

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